Futuristic ‘blended wing’ robot plane ‘Natilus’ as big as a Boeing 747 will have one pilot flying THREE aircraft

A FUTURISTIC “blended wing” robot plane set to hit the skies will have just one pilot flying three separate aircraft.

Natilus’ innovative aircraft aims to revolutionise cargo planes as we know them – and one day the planes are even set to fly themselves.

NatilusNatilus’ new cargo plane is controlled remotely by pilots on the ground who can fly three planes at once[/caption]

NatilusThe jets are set to fly much lower than passenger planes[/caption]

NatilusThe innovative design was made by company Natilus, founded in 2016[/caption]

The idea is that the planes will eventually fly automatically, but pilots will control them remotely until this is allowed.

Ground-based pilots will be able to control up to three of them at once.

And a full-scale prototype hit the skies for the first time in April this year.

The company aims to fit 60 per cent more cargo on board than current aircraft while also reducing 50 per cent less carbon emissions.

It’s blended wing design and diamond-shaped body mean the cargo – often packed in rectangular pallets – fits more easily inside and the plane is able to fly more efficiently.

Natilus’ CEO Aleksey Matyushev, said that moving cargo by sea is 13 times cheaper than by air – but takes 50 times as long.

He said: “Natilus intends to revolutionize the transport industry by providing the timeliness of air freight at an affordable cost reduction of 60 percent.”

 “From a freight perspective, it makes a lot of sense.

“It has 50 percent more volume internally, so it doubles the amount of revenue cargo per flight.”

The impressive plane will apparently be able to fly across the Pacific ocean in 30 hours at just 20,000ft, which is much lower than passenger planes.

It isn’t made with a cockpit, landing gear or pressurisation without the need for pilots on board.

The £20 million aircraft would be towed by sea to ports and will carry more valuable goods than classic cargo ships, including perishable foods, basic tech, vehicles or pharmaceuticals.

Four of the futuristic planes are set to be made: a short-haul plane, a medium to long-range plane, and two bigger long-range ones.

But it’s not the only incoming jet with a blended wing design.

California company JetZero is working with  NASA and the US Air Force to replace the Boeing 767 as a revolutionary new passenger aircraft.

It is also set to use 50 per cent less fuel and carbon emissions while offering a dramatic new cabin layout and design.

NatilusIt’s first successful prototype flight happened in April 2023[/caption]   
