SHOCK VIDEO: Smuggler Stands on US Soil as He Helps Illegal Aliens Rush Through Hole in Border Wall in Arizona While Border Patrol Agents Do Nothing

Joe Biden’s America.

A human smuggler stood on US soil as he helped illegal aliens rush through a hole in the border wall in Lukeville, Arizona while Border Patrol agents did absolutely nothing to stop the invasion.

This is becoming a common occurrence in Lukeville. Last week a smuggler directed a massive group of illegals through the border wall in Arizona and taunted Border Patrol agents.

Fox News captured hordes of illegals running through a hole in the border wall on Tuesday.

“Our cameras were rolling in Lukeville, Arizona as groups of illegal immigrants rushed through a breach in the border wall as Border Patrol and federal contractors were trying to fix it. Their human smuggler then shrugs at our cameras and salutes us. Cuts/breaches all over wall here,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said on X.

One human smuggler stood on the US side of the border wall as he recorded the illegals (proof of delivery) jumping through the hole in the border wall.

Another masked smuggler on the Mexican side of the border wall taunted Fox reporters. He shrugged his shoulders and saluted the Fox News crew after he helped a group of illegals through the border wall.

US Border Patrol agents did absolutely nothing to the human smuggler who stood on US soil. The cartel’s smugglers are in charge.


NEW: Our cameras were rolling in Lukeville, AZ as groups of illegal immigrants rushed through a breach in the border wall as Border Patrol & federal contractors were trying to fix it. Their human smuggler then shrugs at our cameras & salutes us. Cuts/breaches all over wall here.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 5, 2023

An illegal alien who invaded the southern border in Arizona thanked Joe Biden.

“I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!” the illegal said after he crossed into Lukeville, Arizona.

Another military-age illegal alien from Africa told Fox News that he isn’t seeking asylum and instead wants to work.


“I love you Joe Biden, thank you for everything, Joe Biden!”

I talked to two African men who crossed illegally into Lukeville, AZ (Morocco & Liberia).
Both admitted to me they are not seeking asylum, & instead want work and opportunity in US. Both are planning to go to NYC.

— Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) December 5, 2023

According to Fox News, thousands of single, military-age men from Senegal, Guinea, Mauritania, and Egypt, along with countries in the Middle East and Asia are flooding over the border every single day on Joe Biden’s open border invitation.

“Per CBP sources, there were over 10,000 migrant encounters at the southern border yesterday, including 8,500+ illegal immigrants apprehended by Border Patrol, and 1,600+ at ports of entry. 168 Chinese nationals crossed in San Diego sector as well. This was the second day in row of 10k+,” Bill Melugin said.


Thousands of single adult men — from Senegal, Guinea, Mauritania, and Egypt, along with countries in the Middle East and Asia — are illegally crossing the southern border every single day.

This is the reality of Biden’s border crisis.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 5, 2023

The post SHOCK VIDEO: Smuggler Stands on US Soil as He Helps Illegal Aliens Rush Through Hole in Border Wall in Arizona While Border Patrol Agents Do Nothing appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

