“We are Now Officially a Communist Third World Banana Republic” — Mike Flynn Criticizes Current State of the U.S., Calls for Trump’s Return to Fix this Problem

On Thursday, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Federal Government convened a panel of journalists and former government advisors to discuss the systemic censorship and governmental targeting of conservatives.

The hearing featured four key testimonies that painted a dire picture of free speech in America.

Matt Taibbi, Twitter Files journalist and author – testimony
Michael Shellenberger, Twitter Files journalist, author, and environmentalist – testimony
Rupa Subramanya, Canada-based journalist for The Free Press – testimony
Olivia Troye, former Homeland Security Advisor and Counterterrorism Advisor, Office of Vice President Pence – testimony

In his opening statement, Shellenberger, a journalist and environmentalist, revisited his previous testimony about the “censorship industrial complex.”

“Nine months ago, I testified and provided evidence to the Subcommittee about the existence of a censorship industrial complex, a network of government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, government contractors, and big tech media platforms that conspired to censor ordinary Americans and elected officials alike for holding disfavored views,” said Shellenberger.

“I regret to inform the Subcommittee today that the scope, power, and lawbreaking of the censorship industrial complex are even worse than we had realized back in March.”

Investigative journalist Kanekoa the Great underscored Shellenberger’s insights:

Shellenberger testifies about the censorship-industrial complex, the network of U.S. government agencies, contractors, and big tech platforms conspiring to censor ordinary American citizens.

Internal files from the Cyber Threat Intelligence League reveal military contractors using psychological operations against Americans.

Critics argue social media platforms have the right to censor, but evidence suggests government involvement violating the First Amendment.

“The Supreme Court has ruled that the government may not induce, encourage, or promote private persons to accomplish what is constitutionally forbidden.

There is now a large body of evidence proving that the government did precisely that.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) has been at the center of gravity for much of the censorship, with the National Science Foundation financing the development of censorship and disinformation tools and other federal government agencies playing a supportive role.

Emails from CISA’s NGO and social media partners show that CISA created the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) in 2020, which involved the Stanford Internet Observatory and other U.S. Government contractors.

EIP and its successor, the Virality Project, urged Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms to censor ordinary citizens’ and elected officials’ social media posts.

EIP reported a 75% response rate from the platforms and that 35% of the URLs they reported were either removed, labeled, throttled, or soft-blocked.

In 2020, CISA violated the First Amendment and interfered in the election.

In 2021, CISA and the White House violated the First Amendment and undermined America’s response to the COVID pandemic by demanding that Facebook and Twitter censor content that Facebook itself said was “often true,” including about vaccine side effects.

This is profoundly unAmerican.

I encourage Congress to defund and dismantle the government organizations involved in censorship.

That includes phasing out all funding for the National Science Foundation’s Track F Trust and Authenticity and Communication Systems and its Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Track.

I also encourage Congress to abolish CISA in DHS.

Short of taking those steps, I encourage significant guardrails and oversight to prevent such censorship from happening again.”


.@shellenberger testifies about the censorship-industrial complex, the network of U.S. government agencies, contractors, and big tech platforms conspiring to censor ordinary American citizens.

Internal files from the Cyber Threat Intelligence League reveal military contractors… pic.twitter.com/T0cStDmWrY

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) November 30, 2023

Former National Security Advisor of the United States, General Mike Flynn, echoed and intensified the sentiment in his reaction to Shellenberger’s testimony.

Flynn issued a grave condemnation of the current state, linking the hearing’s revelations to broader national issues.

He went on to suggest that the return of Donald Trump, along with a strong leadership team, is the only solution to avert a “United Socialist States of America.”

“After listening to Shellenberger‘s testimony today, we are now officially a communist third world banana republic with unrecoverable debt, a military that worries more about DEI than readiness and winning, a collapsed border, a demented person in charge of our nuclear codes, never mind being in charge of our economy, a severely corrupted justice system at the very top and now an even worse censorship state than previously imagined.

The weakness in the GOP will fix NONE of this. Don’t expect them to hold anyone accountable.

Speaker Johnson please prove me wrong.

If and only if we get Donald Trump with a strong team of advisors and leaders back in charge of the United States of America, can we fix this problem.

Otherwise, we are going to become the United Socialist States of America! This is the direction the “progressive” lunatics on the left are taking us.”

The post “We are Now Officially a Communist Third World Banana Republic” — Mike Flynn Criticizes Current State of the U.S., Calls for Trump’s Return to Fix this Problem appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

