FLASHBACK: Swampy Kevin McCarthy Says Matt Gaetz Is Next RINO-Uniparty Target After George Santos for Removal from Congress (VIDEO)

Two weeks ago, on November 19, 2023, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures. During their discussion McCarthy told the FOX News audience that Matt Gaetz is the next target for the RINO-Uniparty faction of Congress after Rep. George Santos is dealt with.

Maria Bartiromo: How has your life changed now with the new speaker? Do you think that you’re going to be able to get these appropriations bills done in this two laddered approach that Mike Johnson has come up with?

Rep. Kevin McCarthy: “Well, I think Johnson was very smart about making sure keeping our troops paid, especially in the Mediterranean where they are right now, unfortunately, we had a number of members doing the exact same thing they did before of stopping bills from moving forward. We’re going to have to come together. We do know this is really driven, as you know, and you’ve had on the show, Matt Gaetz’s ethics complaint. I think once that ethics complaint comes forward, he could have the same problem as Sanchez has. And I think the conference would be probably better united to be able to move forward and get this all done.”

On Friday 105 RINO-Uniparty Republicans made the historic move to expel conservative Republican George Santos from Congress. Santos was the most conservative freshman member of Congress. He was vocal, a fighter, and supported Trump.  He needed to be dealt with. There were immediately rumblings that the Kevin McCarthy faction, of course, led the efforts to remove Santos and make it easier for Democrats to continue to destroy the country.

Republicans could not impeach Alejandro Mayorkas but had no problem expelling the most conservative freshman in Congress.

If Kevin McCarthy has his wish, Matt Gaetz will be next.

Here are the 105.

Remember their names!

Primary them out! They don’t represent you!

– Aderholt, Alabama
– Allen, Georgia
– Amodei, Nevada
– Armstrong, North Dakota
– Bacon, Nebraska
– Balderson, Ohio
– Barr, Kentucky
– Bentz, Oregon
– Bergman, Michigan
– Bice, Oklahoma
– Buck, Colorado
– Bucshon, Indiana
– Burgess, Texas
– Calvert, California
– Carey, Ohio
– Carter (GA), Georgia
– Chavez-DeRemer, Oregon
– Ciscomani, Arizona
– Cole, Oklahoma
– Comer, Kentucky
– Crenshaw, Texas
– Curtis, Utah
– D’Esposito, New York
– De La Cruz, Texas
– Diaz-Balart, Florida
– Duarte, California
– Dunn (FL), Florida
– Edwards, North Carolina
– Ellzey, Texas
– Estes, Kansas
– Feenstra, Iowa
– Ferguson, Georgia
– Fitzpatrick, Pennsylvania
– Flood, Nebraska
– Foxx, North Carolina
– Franklin, Scott, Florida
– Garbarino, New York
– Garcia, Mike, California
– Gimenez, Florida
– Gonzales, Tony, Texas
– Granger, Texas
– Graves (LA), Louisiana
– Green (TN), Tennessee
– Grothman, Wisconsin
– Guest, Mississippi
– Guthrie, Kentucky
– Hinson, Iowa
– Houchin, Indiana
– Hudson, North Carolina
– James, Michigan
– Johnson (SD), South Dakota
– Joyce (OH), Ohio
– Joyce (PA), Pennsylvania
– Kean (NJ), New Jersey
– Kiggans (VA), Virginia
– Kiley, California
– Kim (CA), California
– LaHood, Illinois
– LaLota, New York
– Langworthy, New York
– Latta, Ohio
– LaTurner, Kansas
– Lawler, New York
– Letlow, Louisiana
– Lucas, Oklahoma
– Malliotakis, New York
– Maloy, Utah
– Mann, Kansas
– McClain, Michigan
– Meuser, Pennsylvania
– Miller (OH), Ohio
– Miller-Meeks, Iowa
– Molinaro, New York
– Moore (UT), Utah
– Moran, Texas
– Murphy, North Carolina
– Newhouse, Washington
– Nunn (IA), Iowa
– Obernolte, California
– Owens, Utah
– Pence, Indiana
– Pfluger, Texas
– Rogers (KY), Kentucky
– Rose, Tennessee
– Rouzer, North Carolina
– Rutherford, Florida
– Schweikert, Arizona
– Scott, Austin, Georgia
– Simpson, Idaho
– Smith (NJ), New Jersey
– Smucker, Pennsylvania
– Stauber, Minnesota
– Steel, California
– Steil, Wisconsin
– Thompson (PA), Pennsylvania
– Valadao, California
– Van Drew, New Jersey
– Wagner, Missouri
– Webster (FL), Florida
– Wenstrup, Ohio
– Westerman, Arkansas
– Williams (NY), New York
– Womack, Arkansas
– Yakym, Indiana
– Zinke, Montana

105 Republicans voted to expel @RepSantosNY03. pic.twitter.com/7G9R0gXZyz

— Grace Chong (@gc22gc) December 1, 2023

The post FLASHBACK: Swampy Kevin McCarthy Says Matt Gaetz Is Next RINO-Uniparty Target After George Santos for Removal from Congress (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

