Jussie Smollett Hoax: After Appeal Denied, Prosecutor Says He Must Finish Jail Sentence – Convicted Actor Spotted With Family in Los Angeles

Jussie Smollett may or may not have been a good actor – that’s beside the point.

But what is becoming increasingly clear is that he has forever written his name in the ‘book of hoaxers’, and a very ineffective one, at that, too.

That a successful guy like him would put everything on the line just to tarnish the image of conservatives nationwide in a fake ‘racist and homophobic attack’ is mind-boggling.

What is also surprising is that, even with all the liberal establishment rooting and cutting corners for him, he still got arrested and prosecuted.

It is true that he only served six days of his 150-day sentence, and in fact most people thought he would never see the inside of a prison cell again – but they may be proven wrong.

An appeals court upheld, on Friday, the disorderly conduct convictions against the actor.

BREAKING: Jussie Smollett’s conviction for lying to police about hate crime hoax UPHELD by Illinois appellate court. He will be going to jail. pic.twitter.com/wZiGsB7n5R

— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) December 1, 2023

NBC reported:

“Smollett, who appeared in the TV show “Empire,” challenged the role of a special prosecutor, jury selection, evidence and many other aspects of the case. But all were turned aside in a 2-1 opinion from the Illinois Appellate Court.”

Smollett reported to Chicago police that he was the victim of ‘a racist and homophobic attack by two men wearing ski masks’. They would have said to him: ‘This is MAGA country!’

Watch: police video shows that Smollet received officers in his apartment still wearing the ‘fake noose’ around his neck.

The competent police officers needed less than 48 hours to turn their investigation towards Smollett himself, leading to his arrest on charges he had orchestrated the attack, after finding out that he paid two men whom he knew from work on “Empire.”

Police canvassed video from the neighborhood, and quickly found the Osundairo brothers. They were paid by Jussie.

Read: New Documentary Featuring the Osundairo Brothers Exposes the Jussie Smollett Hoax and Vicious Attack on Conservatives (VIDEO)

“A jury convicted Smollett in 2021 on five felony counts of disorderly conduct, a charge that can be filed in Illinois when a person lies to police. He now will have to finish a 150-day stint in jail that was part of his sentence. Smollett spent just six days in jail while his appeal was pending.”

President Trump called him out for his ‘racist and dangerous’ lies.

Smollett plans to fight the decision all the way to Illinois Supreme Court.

“The special prosecutor assigned to the case, Dan Webb, told NBC News in an interview hours after the court’s decision that Smollett should finish his 150 day jail sentence.

‘This is pretty much the end of the road for Mr. Smollett’, Webb said. ‘Under Illinois law he has one right of appeal, that’s what he had today. The Illinois Appellate Court denied all his issues. He can try to go up to the higher court, the Illinois Supreme Court. That’s a discretionary appeal that would be determined if the Illinois Supreme Court wants to hear his issues. But if that doesn’t happen, then he’s hit the end of the road and he would shortly be in jail’.”

Smollet paid the brothers $3500 by check.

Smollett has been playing the black and the gay ‘cards’, claiming he was ‘the target of a racist justice system’.

“’The moral of this story is that there are not two systems of justice. One for the rich, famous and movie stars and for everybody else. He faces the same system of justice everybody else does. […] The evidence was overwhelming’, Webb said. ‘He was convicted of all of five outta six counts. He was sentenced to jail … he has had his day in court’.”

Problems with the law are taking its toll.

Meanwhile, Jussie Smollett was spotted in Los Angeles looking downright miserable, hours after the Chicago court rejected the appeal in his hate crime hoax.

Daily Mail reported:

“The 41-year-old actor, accompanied by his sisters Jurnee and Jazz, was spotted for the first time after an Illinois appeals court dismissed his appeal against disorderly conduct.

The decision, which could see him being behind bars for 150 days, was announced shortly before Smollett was seen looking downcast in a black jacket, dark navy blue pants, and sunglasses.

{…} He seemed low-spirited, hours after the devastating decision that could result in him being behind bars for months. 

During the original sentencing hearing Smollett shouted at the judge that he was innocent, warning that he was not suicidal and if he died in custody it was somebody else, and not him, who would have taken his life.”

Read more:

JUST IN: Hate Hoaxer Jussie Smollett Headed Back to Jail

The post Jussie Smollett Hoax: After Appeal Denied, Prosecutor Says He Must Finish Jail Sentence – Convicted Actor Spotted With Family in Los Angeles appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

