BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – PART II

Material errors were discovered in Georgia’s 2020 Election recount efforts in Fulton County. The Secretary of State and his team initially lied about these errors and then they worked with the AG’s office and the State Elections Board to exonerate the Secretary of State.

The information in this article was provided by Georgia citizen Joseph Rossi


As noted in the first article in this series, after the 2020 Election a Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) was carried out by Georgia’s Secretary of State’s (SOS’s) Office.

Thanks to the efforts of Georgian Joseph Rossi, 36 errors were found in the Fulton County data in the RLA report posted on the SOS website.

Rossi doggedly went after those in authority in the state to review his data. He was turned down and ignored numerous times. But eventually after a series of events, Rossi was able to get these errors in front of members of Governor Kemp’s office.

Governor Kemp and team, although he was not in charge of state elections, were the only government agency (Not the SOS, Not the AG, Not the SEB), that listened and took action when errors were pointed out to them. This is an important fact as he put a team of four individuals on the 36 errors identified by Rossi and they spent 8 weeks confirming Rossi’s work. They essentially did the work that the SOS should have done a year earlier.

As a result of Rossi’s work, the Georgia State Elections Board (SEB) initiated an investigation into the Fulton County data from the RLA report. This investigation was labeled SEB2021-181. Eventually the SEB identified violations and errors in the recounts of the 2020 Election in Fulton County.

Also, another complaint for Fulton County was filed July 8, 2022. The complaint specifically called out 3125 duplicate ballot counts and 17,852 votes counted that do not have a corresponding ballot image. This complaint resulted in the creation of investigation SEB2023-25. This investigation is complete and the results of this investigation will be presented to the SEB on December 19, 2023. This complaint has been categorized by the Board as “violations found.”

Today’s article will show that the SOS’s office lied about the accuracy of the recounts in Georgia.

Our third article will show that with their backs to the wall post-Governor Kemp’s validation letter from November 17, 2021 – the SOS’s office, the AG’s office, and the Georgia SEB worked and continue to work to this day to exonerate the SOS of any responsibility for these numerous errors and violations.

And, by the way, there is also an open inquiry before the Georgia SEB (SEBBI2023-001), regarding Election Code Violations committed by the SOS.

[Remember that the 2020 results were certified for Biden three days after the election after he overcame President Trump’s 200,000 vote lead on election night to steal the election by less than 12,000 votes in Georgia. – See The Steal – Volume II: The Impossible Occurs for more information.

Note also that that the investigations noted in this series were independent of two court cases that occurred in Georgia after the 2020 Election. At least three individuals involved in a recount that occurred in the state after the election identified 148,000 ballots that appeared to have been created by a machine and to be fraudulent. Fulton county and state are still preventing access to these ballots even though the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that the plaintiffs have the right to audit these ballots.

In addition, a separate audit of voting machines was initiated after the 2020 Election which was finally released years later which showed that the systems used in Georgia had security issues and bad actors could hack into them and change the results of an election.]

The Lie

Gabriel Sterling from the SOS’s office emailed Joseph Rossi on February 9, 2021. In this email email he stated,

All of the tally sheets have been available online on the SOS website for nearly 2 months. Here is the link…”

After reviewing the tally sheets for both Houston County and Fulton County, Rossi found errors with Fulton’s batch sheets and stated in an email to Sterling dated February 21, 2021,

“Note that the total vote count for Fulton based upon a summation of the Batch Tally Sheets = 246,922 votes, which falls far short of the final vote count for Fulton County = 525,283.”

Sterling responded to Rossi in an email dated February 24, 2021,

“After reviewing your email, we reviewed our inventory of physical batch sheets for Fulton. We have determined that not all documents were scanned to digital files. We are in the process of scanning those documents. We expect to have our website updated before the end of the week.”

The original Sterling statement regarding “all of the tally sheets,” was obviously false. Furthermore, this is the first indication that Sterling/SOS office never bothered to check the errored data posted on the SOS website for public view and also that they could not be trusted with their statements.

In Gabriel Sterling’s email to Joseph Rossi, of February 9, 2021 – when referring to the RLA Report for Fulton posted on the SOS website, he stated,

“We know with 100% certainty that the ballots were not tallied multiple times because the hand re-tally showed that…”

In June of 2022, at the Jan 6th hearing, at the 13:00 minute mark of the Raffensperger/Sterling testimony, Sterling states, with Raffensperger seated to his right,

“And by going through the hand tally that the Secretary pointed out we showed that if there had been multiple ballots scanned without a corresponding physical ballot, your counts would have been a lot higher than the ballots themselves.”

When referring to the RLA Hand Audit – Sterling described it as “dead on accurate.”

Contrast these 2 statements made by Sterling to the one made by Raffensperger on February 22, 2022, during a radio interview (between the 1:08:20 mark and the 1:09:20 mark) in which he admits there were thousands of vote counting errors in the Fulton RLA report posted on the SOS website. Raffensperger in this interview states,

“When we did the 100% hand recount we found 3 counties that messed up, you know, fairly significantly…number 2 was Fulton County. All of a sudden they were off by several thousand ballots, well it’s because you scanned some of these ballots twice.”

The RLA Hand Audit for Fulton County posted on the SOS website can’t both be “dead on accurate,” and “off by several thousand ballots…because you scanned some of these ballots twice.”

Being that Raffensberger admitted on February 22, 2022, that thousands of ballots were scanned multiple times for the RLA Fulton Hand Audit and that his Jan 6th hearing was in June of 2022 Sterling shared that the results of the RLA in Fulton County were “dead on accurate” – did Sterling and/or Raffensberger commit perjury?

SOS Raffensperger and his gang had contrasting claims regarding the results of the 2020 Election. Next we will show how the SOS’s office worked with others to cover this all up and exonerate the SOS of any wrongdoing.

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election – PART II appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

