Six children die from Strep A with more than 800 cases as health authorities issue warning to parents

SIX children have now died from invasive group A Strep disease – as more than 800 cases of scarlet fever are recorded.

Five of those are under 10 years old, the UK Health Security Agency have said.

Muhammad Ibrahim Ali died at his home according to his family

WNSHanna Roap also died from the infection[/caption]

It comes as the latest UKHSA data shows cases of scarlet fever – also caused by group A Strep infection – are four times higher than average for this time of the year.

There were 851 cases reported in the week ending November 20 – up from the 186 cases expected.

So far, six children have died within seven days of being diagnosed with invasive group A Strep disease – a rare, but severe illness caused by the bacteria.

The first victim was just six years old, and died last week in Surrey.

Within days, three further deaths were recorded in West London, Wales and Buckinghamshire.

The fourth victim was Muhammad Ibrahim Ali, four, who died at his home according to his devastated family.

Muhammad attended Oakridge School and Nursery in High Wycombe in Bucks.

Muhammad’s mum, Shabana Kousar, told Bucks Free Press: “The loss is great and nothing will replace that.

“He was very helpful around the house and quite adventurous, he loved exploring and enjoyed the forest school, his best day was a Monday and said how Monday was the best day of the week.

“He also had a very close bond with his dad. He was his best friend and went everywhere with him. He just wanted to be with him.”

Another child victim was little Hanna Roap, who died within 24 hours of becoming ill with the infection leaving behind her devastated family in Wales.

Hanna’s parents say their hearts have been “broken into a million pieces” by the tragedy.

Hanna passed away on November 25 after contracting the invasive infection that has symptoms including high fever, vomiting and a sore throat.

Earlier today, a youngster, who was a student at St John’s School, Green Man Gardens, London, was also confirmed to have been killed by invasive Strep A.

Another child from nearby North Ealing Primary School, Pitshanger Lane, is currently in hospital with an unconfirmed illness.

But many pupils at this child’s school are off sick with scarlet fever, which is caused by group A Streptococcal bacteria, which can also cause invasive strep A.

The UKHSA previously said the two cases in Wales and Surrey were not related.

Parents urged to be alert

Health chiefs are urging all parents to watch out for the symptoms of group A Strep infection and scarlet fever – and to act if they feel their child is deteriorating.

Dr Colin Brown, deputy director at UKHSA, said: “We are seeing a higher number of cases of group A Strep this year than usual.

“The bacteria usually causes a mild infection producing sore throats or scarlet fever that can be easily treated with antibiotics.”

Symptoms of scarlet fever include a sore throat, headache, and fever, along with a fine, pinkish or red body rash with a sandpapery feel.

On darker skin the rash can be more difficult to detect visually but will have a sandpapery feel.

A UKHSA spokesman urged parents to call NHS 111 or their GP if they suspect scarlet fever, because early treatment with antibiotics can reduce the risk of complications, including pneumonia.

The spokesman added: “If your child has scarlet fever, keep them at home until at least 24 hours after the start of antibiotic treatment to avoid spreading the infection to others.”

Rare but deadly

In rare cases, Dr Brown warned group A Strep infection can lead to a life-threatening illness, called invasive group A Strep (iGAS).

“This is still uncommon however it is important that parents are on the lookout for symptoms and see a doctor as quickly as possible so that their child can be treated and we can stop the infection becoming serious,” Dr Brown added.

“Make sure you talk to a health professional if your child is showing signs of deteriorating after a bout of scarlet fever, a sore throat, or a respiratory infection.”

Examples of invasive group A Strep disease include necrotising fasciitis, toxic shock syndrome, sepsis and meningitis.

‘No new strain’

While UKHSA said it is investigating the surge in cases of group A Strep infections, there is currently no evidence a new strain is circulating.

The rise in cases is most likely down to high levels of bacteria circulating in the community, and more social mixing.

Due to lockdowns many young children have not built up the normal immunity to various bugs, including group A Strep.

Dr Elizabeth Whitaker, honorary clinical senior lecturer at Imperial College London, said: “During the first two years of the pandemic, we saw very little group A Strep and it has started to circulate again as restrictions have lifted.

“Usually we see a high number of cases in late spring or early summer, often after chicken pox infections.

“High numbers at this time of year are unusual and probably occurring as normal seasonality has not yet returned.

“Tragically, when there are high numbers of infections, the severe cases will also occur.”

When to call 999

The UKHSA spokesman said it is vital that parents trust their instincts, and seek help if their child seems seriously unwell.

You should contact NHS 111 if or your GP if:

your child is getting worseyour child is feeding or eating much less than normalyour child has had a dry nappy for 12 hours or more or shows other signs of dehydrationyour baby is under 3 months and has a temperature of 38C, or is older than 3 months and has a temperature of 39C or higheryour baby feels hotter than usual when you touch their back or chest, or feels sweatyyour child is very tired or irritable

Call 999 or go to A&E if:

your child is having difficulty breathing – you may notice grunting noises or their tummy sucking under their ribsthere are pauses when your child breathesyour child’s skin, tongue or lips are blueyour child is floppy and will not wake up or stay awake

HIGH ALERT: Symptoms of invasive Strep A

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) – is also known as Streptococcus pyogenes – and is a bacteria that can cause mild illnesses like sore throats and skin infections, including tonsillitis cellulitis, impetigo and scarlet fever.

In rare cases, the bacteria can trigger the life-threatening illness, invasive group A Strep disease.

Guidance from the NHS states that there are four key signs of invasive disease:

fever (a high temperature above 38°C (100.4°F)
severe muscle aches
localised muscle tenderness
redness at the site of a wound

Invasive disease happens when the bacteria break through the body’s immune defences.

It can happen if you’re already ill or have a weakened immune system.

Two of the most severe examples of invasive disease are necrotising fasciitis and toxic shock syndrome.

You’re at increased risk of Group Strep A invasive disease if you:

are in close contact with someone who has the disease
are over the age of 65
are diabetic, have heart disease or cancer
have recently had chickenpox
have HIV
use some steroids or intravenous drugs, according to the NHS.

Group Strep A bacteria can also cause scarlet fever, which can be serious if it’s not treated with antibiotics.

Not known, clear with picture deskA child died of Strep A at St John’s School in Ealing[/caption]

Media WalesA pupil at Victoria Primary School in Wales also died after contracting Strep A[/caption]

Four out of six locations of confirmed Strep A cases  Read More 
