Male contraceptive drug rubbed in fellas’ shoulders set to work better than Pill – but would you use it?

A MALE contraceptive drug rubbed into fellas’ shoulders is on course to work better than the Pill.

Hormone gel Nestorone is surprising researchers with its success in trials.

GettyThe pioneering gel is mixed with testosterone to replace hormones in the blood[/caption]

Dozens of couples, including about 40 in the UK, are testing the pioneering birth control.

Study results are still secret but the team has not yet reported any pregnancies.

Trial leader Dr Diana Blithe said: “We’re amazed. We didn’t predict results as good as we’re getting, so we’re very happy.

“So far they are as good as the most effective methods for women, including intrauterine devices and implants.”

Nestorone works by slashing sperm counts to less than a million per millilitre, compared with the normal 15million to 20million.

It is already approved for use in women where it prevents eggs being released from the ovaries.

The new male version is mixed with testosterone to replace hormones in the blood — but not the testicles.

The slow chain reaction of hormones means men can miss a day or two of treatment without fear of an accidental pregnancy.

But the method is reversible and some couples have quit the study to start families.

A larger and longer study will need to follow to prove just how effective it is.

If it goes well the gel could be in pharmacies by 2030.

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