Petrol stations will be forced to publish pricing and profits – or face a fine of 5 per cent of their daily turnover

PETROL station bosses will have to publish pricing and profits — or face a fine of five per cent of daily turnover.

The Competition and Markets Authority is to get powers to clamp down on garages who rip off drivers.

PAPetrol stations will have to publish pricing and profits or face a hefty fine[/caption]

The Sun’s 13 year-long Keep It Down crusade aims to stop greedy fuel forecourts from scamming motorists

Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho told The Sun she will change the law so regulators can hammer the “shocking behaviour from fuel retailers who failed to pass on savings”.

And she called out Shell and Moto-way for hiding the difference in profits and pump prices.

But her action falls short of The Sun’s call for a standalone PumpWatch regulator as part of our 13-year Keep It Down crusade.

Ms Coutinho said: “We’re cracking down on any petrol station bosses found to be unfairly hiking up their prices.

“That’s why we’re giving the CMA new powers to make sure UK drivers get a competitive fuel price.”

Forecourt bosses — including supermarkets — who fail to act could face a fixed fine of up to one per cent of worldwide turnover, or an ongoing fine of up to five per cent of daily turnover.

Amendments to the Digital Markets, Competition & Consumers Bill will be published today.

But Howard Cox, from FairFuelUK, called it “hugely disappointing”.

He added: “A PumpWatch with real teeth would help reduce inflation and increase consumer spending.”

