LARRY KUDLOW: Biden’s hands are very dirty

It seems like Israel’s so-called best friends are spending their time attacking the Jewish state or, if not attacking, certainly criticizing the Jewish state. This is in the middle of a war for Israel’s very survival and I think it’s utter nonsense, completely unhelpful! 

Now, here’s a Washington Post headline: “Israeli Troops Fight in the Heart of Gaza City Amid Global Calls for Pause.” Everybody wants a pause, don’t they? Everybody talks pause, except Israel, that is because the IDF is getting the job done, the job being to annihilate Hamas. That’s the key objective. 

Now the G7 countries are calling for a pause. FOX has confirmed that Biden has, in fact, pressed Netanyahu for a three-day ceasefire, a terrible idea. The president and Blinken have been pushing for this for over a week. There’s no difference between a pause and a ceasefire. This is just political semantics. Why should Israel stop the momentum? 

They’re already into the heart of Gaza City. Defense Minister Gallant, repeating Prime Minister Netanayhu says, “No humanitarian pause without the return of the hostages’.” 


That is a most sensible point of view. What about that view? Why won’t the G7 and Biden and Blinken understand? By the way, Israel has had small pauses to allow Gaza civilians to evacuate. There is an extraordinary scene from the New York Sun, in a story by Benny Avni, a great reporter, shows Israeli soldiers escorting Gazan civilians fleeing from Hamas with a white flag. Israel’s not getting any credit for these humane gestures. 

War is hell. There are unfortunately high costs, just as there were in World War II in Dresden, or Berlin, or for that matter Hiroshima. This is a just war started by Hamas’ barbaric murdering of 1,400 people. 

Frankly, the G-7 should keep its yap shut, and so should Biden-Blinken. Why don’t they defend America’s honor and security, which is under attack by nearly 50 terrorist missiles, lay down a marker and send a tough message like stopping an Iranian oil ship on its way to selling its cargo to China, which would then give Iran even more money to finance this dreadful war? 

Barack Obama is saying “nobody’s hands are clean” – really?! Actually, sir, your hands are not clean. You gave Iran $1.7 billion in cash and gold bars and then released another $100 billion in frozen assets. That’s the kind of money that Iran used to finance terrorism right up to October 7. 

No, Mr. Obama, I’m sorry, your hands are bloody here. President Biden of course following the direction of Obama and worse has essentially ended the financial and energy sanctions on Iran — giving them even more money. So, Mr. Biden’s hands are very dirty. 

In the terrorist game, like all war, money is the key. Speaking of money, why isn’t there any widespread media coverage of the great New York Post article on the Hamas billionaires living in Qatar? Living in Qatar in a life of luxury. You’ve got to get this story. The head of the Hamas politburo, the head of Hamas’ foreign relations, and another leader have a combined $11 billion fortune. 

One of them is some kind of ping-pong champion. This is the height of hypocrisy. Poverty in Gaza is almost unrivaled, but not these guys. Where’s the coverage of this outrage? Lately, Secretary of State Blinken wants to pick a new fight with Israel over post-war plans. 

Well, before we get to post-war, how about publicly praising our so-called best friend for her tremendous war-time performance? Meanwhile, Israel doesn’t want to run Gaza. They have to secure it for a while after blowing up the Hamas terrorists, but they don’t want to govern it. 

Blinken is creating a strawman in order to beat it down in the middle of a war for Israel’s survival. Talk about infidelity and stupidity and Joe Biden’s mentor Barack Obama – who still may be running the White House for all we know – he’s still saying that Israel occupied Gaza. No, they didn’t. 

Gaza was originally run by the PLO, then they had elections, and the Palestinians voted for Hamas. Hamas has been running Gaza for 16 years. That’s not an occupation. Why don’t Blinken and his pals get the story straight? There’s a factual history here. 

Mr. Biden and Mr. Blinken should stop nitpicking Israel. Do something constructive for a change. Save Israel. Save America. Why don’t you stop a ship. Come to think of it, stop several ships.

This article is adapted from Larry Kudlow’s opening commentary on the November 8, 2023, edition of “Kudlow.”

