Doctors told me I had miscarried but I never gave up on my ‘one in a million’ miracle baby, says Meath woman

A MUM was given the devastating news that she had a missed miscarriage in April – until doctors found a nine week baby inside her.

Karin Carolan, who lives in Meath but is originally from Switzerland, told how she’s “one in a million” having discovered her miracle baby.

Karin Carolan has opened up about her miracle babyLorraine O’Sullivan – Commissioned by The Sun Dublin

Karin Carolan, living in Meath, said she was given a wrong diagnosisLorraine O’Sullivan – Commissioned by The Sun Dublin

She told The Irish Sun: “Every time when someone says you have a missed miscarriage, you hope you’re the one in a million where they make a mistake and there is a baby.

“But you never believe it’s going to be you. And then it actually was me.

“They gave me a wrong diagnosis and there is an actual healthy baby in there.”

Karin, who has a four year old son, had three miscarriages in the past but sensed there was something different this time.

She recalled: “I must have been around six weeks along when the doctor told me she could make a diagnosis with this ultrasound and she is sure it’s a missed miscarriage.”

The doctor informed Karin that with a gestational sac of her size (25mm), she should be able to see an embryo, which wasn’t the case.

Karin was told her options and to return to the clinic a week later.

The doctor carried out an abdominal ultrasound on her.

Karin said: “She told me there was no movement and the miscarriage would go away on its own.

“She offered me to start with the medication or a D&C the next day.

“I told her I wanted to wait another two weeks.”

Karin had exams at the end of April and feared how she would react to medication.

This decision may have possibly changed her life.

Karin continued: “Two weeks later, I went in for the scan again.

“She started performing an abdominal but then changed to an internal scan, and to her surprise, she found a healthy nine week old embryo.”

The Meath based woman is now 36 weeks pregnant.

Karin revealed she had all the symptoms of pregnancy.

She said: “I went into the hospital because I had spotting at the beginning.“

Some days later, she had a “gush of blood” and was rushed to hospital again.

The doctor in the hospital told her that her cervix was closed, which is a “very good sign”.

With this promising information, Karin advised the medic on a follow up scan.

She said: “I told her the doctor did the scan. My cervix is closed and my HCG hormones are still high.

“It didn’t make sense for me and I felt so bad. I had literally 24/7 nausea.

“I was so bad. I was like, how is this a missed miscarriage and I feel so pregnant?”

She discussed how many women struggle to process the news of a missed miscarriage.

But her instincts kept telling her she was pregnant. 

She said: “I told my husband, I looked at him and told him I was so sure that this is really it [pregnancy].”

Her third ultrasound proved Karin was right.

She recalled her doctor in shock as she carried out the ultrasound.

The doc congratulated her and she left as a mum-to-be.

Karin asked her husband to come home early from work.

Her request gave him a small glimmer of hope that they found the baby, but he instantly brushed it aside.

Karin recalled: “I just showed him the ultrasound and he looked at me. He was like are you for real?”

In shock, Karin called her mum in Sweden to tell her the news.

She said: “I rang my mam and she was just crying. She was like how is this even possible?”

After a rollercoaster of emotions, she is still processing the news.

Karin said: “Every so often I get very anxious. The last few weeks I was very afraid that something suddenly will happen.

“And I’m still afraid to wake up in the morning and [find] it was all just a dream.”

The 34-year-old is urging other women to always get a second opinion.

Karin said: “I’m still shocked how everything went. How can it be?

“I always would get a second opinion.”

Karin admitted this experience will leave her “questioning everything” now when it comes to medics.

She added: “I feel in constant fear after all that has happened.

“All I want is as many women to hear and read my story in case they go through something similar and to always get a second opinion.”

Karin Carolan is now 36 weeks pregnantLorraine O’Sullivan – Commissioned by The Sun Dublin   
