OAN’s Dan Ball with TGP’s Jim Hoft: Several Major Election Fraud Cases Expose Cheating Democrats on East Coast (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Dan Ball on Real America on OAN Network recently to discuss the major election fraud cases on the East Coast.

They discussed three different incidents.

Just five days before election night, a damning video emerged showing Justin Hurst, the Democrat Candidate for Mayor in Springfield, Massachusetts, allegedly engaging in election fraud in broad daylight. Sworn affidavits from City Hall officials claim that Hurst paid individuals $10 to cast their votes in his favor.

The video footage captures Hurst and his campaign team transporting multiple individuals to City Hall for voting. To receive their promised payment, these voters had to present Hurst with “I Voted Early” stickers as proof of their vote.

Springfield Elections Commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez noted a suspicious surge in walk-in voters at city hall as of October 27th. Some of these voters were overheard discussing the expected monetary compensation for their votes. Surveillance footage obtained by Western Mass News appears to support these claims, showing what seems to be a sequence of individuals being shuttled to and from the polls in a black SUV.

Jim Hoft also reported on the Democrat Judge in Connecticut overturned the results of the Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary.

Superior Court Judge William Clark ordered a new election to be held, citing bombshell video evidence of election fraud as the basis for his decision. The ruling has far-reaching implications, not just for Bridgeport but for the entire country, as it sets a precedent for ongoing and future cases involving mail-in ballot fraud.

And finally New Jersey’s Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin has added new charges to an ongoing election-fraud case involving Democrat Alex Mendez, the Paterson City Council President, and several alleged co-conspirators. According to the Attorney General, the defendants are accused of attempting to rig the election, tampering with ballots, and obstructing the course of justice through witness tampering.

Watch the entire segment below on the Democrat voter fraud cases making headlines last week.

The post OAN’s Dan Ball with TGP’s Jim Hoft: Several Major Election Fraud Cases Expose Cheating Democrats on East Coast (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

