Leftist Takeover of South America: Chilean Conservative Kast Throws in with Globalists

José Antonio Kast in Chile


The globalist takeover of South America was nearly completed with the ouster of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil 2022. In 2021, Chilean conservative presidential candidate José Antonio Kast narrowly lost to socialist Israel hater Gabriel Boric. Now Kast has been co-opted by the globalist left to support a new globalist Chilean constitution, writes commentator Sven von Storch:

Hello, I’m Sven von Storch, writing from Berlin, Germany.

Today I would like to publicly apologize for supporting José Antonio Kast in the past.

Today I would also like to publicly withdraw my support from him.

The truth is that I am ashamed to have supported him after observing his positions and comments in recent weeks and months.

José Antonio Kast not only betrayed his voters, but also committed political fraud against all Chileans by refraining from defending the Chilean constitution and now supporting a new fake constitution.

In doing so, he not only broke his political promise, but also lost his credibility as a politician for me.

José Antonio Kast has changed sides.

In doing so, he has given up defending the deepest interests of the Chileans.

In doing so, he directly joins the plans, actions and activists of external neo-Marxist and globalist actors who, through various measures and their national agents, try to destabilize and destroy the nation state of Chile.

And then step by step to annex its territory and build a totalitarian system on it, which is implemented by the 2030 Agenda and politically controlled from the outside, through the so-called “global governance” and its non-democratically elected supranational institutions.

The actors of global governance and the 2030 Agenda strive to destroy Chile as a sovereign and free state, its identity and culture, its institutions and its families in a process of a few years.

In order to then be able to subjugate all Chileans and impose on them their totalitarian politics and perverse ideology in order to appropriate their natural resources and territory.

As a result, the Chileans and their families remain as second-class citizens and defenseless in their own country.

Today, the patriots around the world support the current constitution of Chile, which guarantees the sovereignty of Chile as a country, as well as protects civil rights, the rule of law, democracy and freedom of expression.

The patriots in the world today reject the tyranny of the plans of the 2030 Agenda and their fake constitution, which they want to impose on Chile.

The patriots of the world, both in the United States and in Europe and Latin America, withdraw all support from José Antonio Kast and his political entourage because they have betrayed the principles that guarantee the sovereignty of Chile and the defense of the fundamental rights of all Chileans.

Chile and the Chileans have been subjected to violent and constant attacks for several years. Attacks that are not a coincidence, but intent.

The political oligarchy and the institutions of Chile have given up the protection and care for the Chileans and their territory. These have stood in the service of external actors and their interests, in return they were and will be rewarded for the sold-out Chile.

The result is a country without security, with less and less prosperity and without perspective.

That’s why it’s time for us Chileans to unite as patriots, to overcome our individual differences, to stand up and to defend our country, our freedom, our rights, our security, our history and our future together.

Therefore, our next political struggle is to vote against the new fake constitution.

Let’s vote against this political fraud.

Let’s vote together against the destruction of Chile.

Chile and the Chileans can win.

For this, we must mobilize today and act now.

We patriots will not stand idly by the lies of those who are destroying Chile today. With growing self-confidence, we will defend our country and fight to the end.

Together we will win, we will conquer our freedom and the future of our families.

Chile will win.

It’s about Chile.

God bless Chile and its families!

Thank you.

Sven von Storch is chair of the Civil Alliance in Berlin and a close ally of Steve Bannon.

The post Leftist Takeover of South America: Chilean Conservative Kast Throws in with Globalists appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

