78% of Iowa Caucus Goers See Charges Against Trump as Political Attacks – Up to 88% of Iowa Caucus Goers Believe Joe Biden Is Illegitimate President

78% of Iowa Caucus goers understand that the bogus lawfare charges filed against Trump are political hits.

FOX News host Sandra Smith went over the voter analysis tonight following the Iowa Republican Caucus.

President Trump handily won the Iowa caucus tonight by over 30 points over the next tow closest Republicans.

78 percent of the Monday caucus goers believe the Democrat lawfare charges against President Trump are politically motivated.

At least 62% of Iowa Caucus goers see Joe Biden as an illegitimate president.

62% of the Iowa caucus goers see Joe Biden illegitimate in the FOX News polling.

But this number climbs to 88 percent in the CBS polling.
That’s a huge number that believes Joe is an illegitimate president!

Here is Sandra Smith with the exit polls on FOX News.

Via Midnight Rider.

The post 78% of Iowa Caucus Goers See Charges Against Trump as Political Attacks – Up to 88% of Iowa Caucus Goers Believe Joe Biden Is Illegitimate President appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

