We love using mirrors to reflect light on blank walls that face windows, break up gallery walls filled with traditional art, or serve as a functional spot to check an outfit or makeup before heading out the door. Asymmetrical mirrors offer a fun twist on traditional shapes, often mimicking organic forms found in nature. Whether you are looking for a slight departure on classic shapes like ovals and rectangles or want to go with something even more unexpected and playful, these irregular mirrors provide a dose of modern decor to living rooms, bedrooms, and more. The beauty of asymmetrical mirrors is that they’re open-ended – you can experiment with hanging them vertically, horizontally, or even diagonally to find the position that works best with your wall space and decor. They’re innately imperfect, which leaves more room for creativity!
Ahead, we’ve curated some unique asymmetrical mirrors that will instantly embellish your walls. For each mirror, we’ve listed our favorite characteristics, who they would work best for, who might want to avoid them, and details on dimensions, materials, and color options. We’ve even slipped in direct quotes from enthusiastic reviewers. From large, full-size options to gold asymmetrical mirrors, we’ve truly found something for everyone!