5 things you should always do before drinking your coffee in the morning

EXPERTS have revealed the five things you should do before reaching for that much-needed morning coffee.

Nutritionist Gabi, from The Fast 800, said delaying your early caffeine hit could boost your energy levels and improve your overall health.

GettyExperts say it’s better to delay your morning coffee for your overall health[/caption]

“Supporting your morning coffee routine with some smart practices can be a game changer for your overall well-being,” she added.

The health guru claimed that consuming the beverage on an empty stomach can push your body into high stress mode.

It can then release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can cause an over-stimulated response.

Thankfully, there are five ways to combat this.

1. Hydration

Firstly, Gabi advised people to drink plenty of water before gulping on a cup of joe.

Ideally, this should be at room temperature – and adding a squeeze of lemon could aid digestion, she added.

2. Nutrients

The second tip is to start the day with a meal full of fibre and protein to balance your blood sugar levels.

“Elevated blood sugar can trigger inflammation and set us up to be on a blood sugar roller coaster for the rest of the day, thereby tanking our energy supply,” Gabi said.

She suggested having chia pudding or a bowl full of vegetables and fruit for breakfast.

3. Exercise

Despite the risks, some people drink coffee before heading to the gym as it can make exercising feel less tough.

But experts claim it could trigger anxiety and make you shaky during your workout.

Nutritionist Gabi advised people to do some form of physical activity before drinking coffee, and make it a “post-gym treat”.

She said: “Within the first hour of waking, our cortisol levels ideally acutely rise and fall in a response known as our cortisol awakening response.

“This rise and fall of cortisol represents a healthy nervous system and actually has a big influence on our immune health and even the risk of autoimmune development.”

4. Patience

Delaying caffeine for at least 90 minutes promotes high energy levels throughout the day, Gabi said.

But she acknowledges how difficult it is to avoid the desire first thing in the morning,

Thankfully, there is an alternative.

5. Daylight

“Getting natural light exposure within the first hour or so of waking is a great way to support optimal hormone balance,” Gabi said.

“Morning light exposure is a huge regulator of circadian rhythm and light exposure triggers the healthy release of cortisol in the morning to support the body’s natural rhythm.”

Gabi’s advice follows separate expert guidance that drinking coffee could give you a boost in the bedroom.

Caffeine and nitric oxide relax and widen your blood vessels, boosting flow to the penis, scientists said.

This can reportedly reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction.

Meanwhile, scientists revealed how a splash of milk could give your coffee a healthy boost.

Proteins from milk can latch on to the antioxidants and help the body soak more of them up.

Lab experiments by the University of Copenhagen found this doubled the effectiveness of polyphenols found in coffee.

