“The Summer I Turned Pretty” became a bona-fide hit when it premiered in summer 2022 on Amazon Prime. Based on the bestselling YA romantic series by Jenny Han, it takes us into the coastal town of Cousins Beach, where we meet our lead gal, Belly Conklin, and her friends and family, who are taking their annual trip to the shore before their lives change forever with some devastating news.
Summers at Cousins are full of laughter, nostalgia, first kisses, and heartbreak, all wrapped together. The way Han turns nostalgia into a dreamy vision makes us wish every day was summer at Cousins, especially when the cute Fisher boys are nearby. The second season – which is based on the second book, “It’s Not Summer Without You” – has already wrapped filming, and while we don’t have a release date yet, here are some other juicy shows you can watch while we wait with bated breath.